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The Holidays are just around the corner!

Connect Palmer would like to invite the local church community to participate in our 10th Annual Live Nativity in downtown Palmer, on the Saturday of our local Colony Christmas.

Individuals can sign up, for a one-hour slot to be part of the cast of the Nativity. The event takes place Saturday, December 8, 2023 from 10am to 3pm. Interested? Reach out today! 907-746-9675 or email

We are in need of angels, shepherds, wisemen, Marys and Josephs of all ages.  Participants will dress up in our many costumes sewn and provided by Connect Palmer, at 202 S. Alaska Street. You can join in the nativity for the hour you sign up for.

You can be part of the cast of a manger scene located right beside Connect Palmer and Sarah’s House. Afterward they can join in The Story Time and enjoy free cookies and cocoa in the Training Center at Connect Palmer. 


The angels are found on the Sarah’s House balcony above the manger by the bright star.  We have, in past years, had small sheep or goat as part of our cast. The wisemen have often headed downtown Palmer to seek out Baby Jesus in the crowds, sometimes handing out flyers inviting folks to come and see the Manger, participate in hourly story times at Connect Palmer and enjoy free cocoa and homemade cookies.


If folks would like to participate but would prefer to read a Christmas stories to children, bake cookies or serve hot cocoa, we also need those volunteers as well. (if you have small friendly livestock that you can donate for the day that would also be awesome.)

Please consider Joining us in this fun community event. It is a great way to be involved either individually or with your whole family and share with Palmer the True Reason we celebrate this Season. Jesus’ Birth.

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